Video Ads by Stack Eternal | India

How to use Video ads to Promote your Business

Stack Eternal

Why should you use Video ads to promote your Business?

Internet marketing has undergone a sea change over the years and video marketing is one tactic that you should definitely invest in. If you are still fretting about putting your sweat and blood into that seemingly hard video making, we enlist 5 reasons as why you should be using video ads for your digital marketing business right now.

Visual elements are always a better bet

Remember those childhood days when people insisted you on visualising stories so they get itched on your mind? Well, those days still continue as brands try to etch their products into your minds using video ads. According to stats, a video ad, when placed in the front of a website, increases conversions by 80% or more. This is a good reason to greet your visitors with good video ads.

Video ads attract even the most uninterested visitors

While your Facebook and Youtube viewers might look the laziest of the lot, you can still instil interest in such viewers with the right video ads. Did you know that 46% of viewers actually act after viewing an ad? This means that video ads can awaken even the most laid back visitors and turn them into potential leads.

Video ads help improve traffic on your website

Improving traffic on website is appreciated by Google bots and is an all-time goal for your digital marketing strategy. In a study, it was found that having Videos cause a whopping 157% increase in organic traffic on a page. Video ads also make the viewer spend more time on your page which will enhance your reputation with Google crawlers and affect ranking in SERPs.

They are loved by mobile users

The market of smartphone is growing like fire and mobile users love videos. Video ads are usually easier to watch on mobile while using social media websites like Facebook, twitter and YouTube. This means that your brand is not only reaching your local market but also an international audience which is growing every minute.

Well, it is a loved technique among marketers

There is a reason why video ads have gained popularity because they offer a great ROI and this is believed by 51% of online marketers across the world. Videos help to better explain a product and the buyers are more likely to remember the specifications as well the brand selling a product, which is a great lead conversion factor. Is your video ad ready yet?

Image : Pexels


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