Negative reviews into positives reviews | India

Own the Internet marketing arena: Turn the negatives into positives

Stack Eternal

Own the Internet marketing arena: Turn the negatives into positives

How many times have you received negative reviews and decided not to respond out of fear that it might escalate?  Or tried to aggressively counter argue a critical review? Well, if you are doing any of the two please stop. It is unspoken rule of online marketing that you answer every negative review. But you should also answer it in right way.

Do you know that most customers when looking to buy new products gives more importance to negative review rather than the positive reviews. One of the reason for doing so, is that the negative reviews are more critical and tends to give more accurate picture. Another reason is the user belief that positive reviews fake. And the owners make them up to boost their sales. In fact one non answered negative review can negate 10 positive reviews and make you lose many potential customers.

Now, let us see how we can turn a negative review into a positive. The first step is to respond quickly, maybe not at the same minute but definitely the same day. In fact try to automate the process and invest in services which notifies you when ever new reviews about your business appear online. Because when you are responding, your business is seen as being more customer friendly. Further, it allows you to engage with the customers and make improvements to your company.

Second step is to remain calm. In fact instead of taking a critical review as a negative think of it as an opportunity. Someone is telling you what is wrong with your business and you should give a sound thought to what they are saying and find a way to address the problem. Further when you are answering a negative feedback in calm and genuine manner, it shows others that you care about customer experience.

Internet marketing depends entirely on your ability to connect with the audience. Here the customers don’t know you and you don’t know them. Still you build trust, and one of the way of doing it is by giving authentic response to critical feedback.

Image :- Pexels


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