Tips for Email Marketing blog | Stack Eternal

Tips to make Email Marketing more effective

Stack Eternal

5 quick tips to make Email Marketing more effective

We might like to think that digital marketing is a creative job but the truth is, our lot deals more with statistics than the creativity. It is because when your creativity does not result in good numbers it fails to make a mark. Which is why inbound marketing or email marketing is more of an analytics job. And the analytics are clearly pointing towards the shift in user behaviour. Increasing number of users are shifting towards having mobile as their primary or only computer device. And in a way it is to the benefit of the marketers, because data says that on an average a person checks their cell phone 150 times a day. So, this gives you 150 chances of engaging a user.

But the same statistics also says that approximately 70% of users delete mails that are not mobile optimized. Hence even if you are able to generate leads, you will not able to nurture the leads and get fruits unless you optimize your email marketing to be more mobile friendly. Hence to make sure that you do not lose out on significant opportunities we have some quick tips for doing the email marketing the right way.

  • Subject Line matters

30% of recipients deletes their mails merely by glancing at the subject line. So, please put a great deal of thought in writing one. Another thing to keep in mind is the letters. Because a mobile device displays only 25 to 30 characters while a desktop inbox displays around 60. Hence you need to have different subject line for desktop and mobile users.

  • Don’t go overboard with image quality

You should definitely include images in your content. Because most of the users does not read an email but just take a look at them. But if your images takes too much of time to load they will lose interest and delete the mail. So, try to reduce image file sizes.

  • Keep it concise

As explained earlier mobile users do not read an email and if you will keep on adding unnecessary content, chances are your mail will end up in the user’s trash box. So keep your mail short and to the point.

  • Keep your CTAs at centre

The main purpose of your email is to generate leads. And if the users need to go looking for your CTA link you are doomed. Because even though they liked your content they don’t know how to reach you. Hence place your CTAs in the most visible manner.

  • Test the emails before sending them to users

It is very important to test you email on a small sample before sending them out to masses. In fact try to create different version and choose the one that is most responsive.

Well we hope that with our tips you can see improvement in your email marketing and adios till the next time.

Image :- Pexels


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